Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Death Penalty - 872 Words

The Death Penalty Cynthia Jackson SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology Instructor: Jeanette Maxey December 20, 2010 The Death Penalty Capital punishment in the 21st century endures many inequalities and injustices. The common arguments for the death penalty are filled with inadequacies. Having the death penalty is both expensive and time consuming to sentence criminals to death. The most frequently raised argument for capital punishment is retributive. According to a recent analysis sending to a person to prison for life costs $1.1 million and sending a person to death row costs $3 million because of appeals and enhanced spending to house the individuals on death row (Schaefer). As a deterrent to crime, the death penalty†¦show more content†¦As for as youth offenders are concerned it would be justifiable to uphold them to the same repercussion and consequences as adults who have committed the acts of murders, raping and other crimes that hurt innocent individuals. Many of us in today’s society believe that juveniles that commit a horrific crime should not receive the some punishmen ts as adults I totally disagree because any person 15 years old or older should know right from wrong. Currently, 38 States authorize the death penalty; 23 of these states permit the execution of offenders who committed capital offenses prior to their 18th birthdays. However, the laws governing application of the death penalty in those 23 states vary, and the variation is not necessarily tied to rates of juvenile crime. Since 1973, when the death penalty was reinstated, 17 men have been executed for crimes they committed as juveniles and 74 people in the United States currently sit on death row for crimes they committed as juveniles ( Many years have passed since the death penalty was first established and the legal courts have found many pros and cons over the issue. However we will continue to have the pros and cons over whether it should be abolished or remain legitimate. References Delia, C.. (2010). Less than We Might: Meditations on Life in Prison Without Parole. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 23(1), 10-20.Show MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty Is Justified1143 Words   |  5 PagesAllison Shu 2/25/16 Period 2 Objective paper on the death penalty Capital punishment is legally authorized killing as punishment for a crime. The death penalty questions the morality of killing a person as justification for their crime. It also brings to question whether the death penalty actually serves as a deterrent for crime, and that some of the people executed are found innocent afterwards. The debates over the constitutionality of the death penalty and whether capital punishment should be usedRead MoreThe Death Penalty For Juveniles946 Words   |  4 Pages The death penalty for minors differs greatly from the death penalty for adult. The law that minor could be put on death row was decided to rule against the eighth amendment. The eighth amendment prohibits the act of â€Å"cruel and unusual punishment† which putting minors on death row breaks. On March 4, 2005 the law that minors could not be put on death row for their actions was set into place. The new laws say, â€Å"They cannot punish a minor by death penalty and they cannot punish someone for a crimeRead MorePro Death Penalty Speech1482 Words   |  6 Pagesintroduce myself before we get started. My name is Slick Perry and if you didn’t already know, I am the state governor of Texas. You are all aware that we are reviewing our recidivism rate to various crimes and reviewing our stance regarding the death penalty as we approach 2009. Everyone here understands that capital punishment is a very controversial topic in the United States. In Texas, from December 1982 through August 2008, only 361 criminals of the millions of Texans in our good state were executedRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Mandatory?925 Words   |  4 Pagesopinions on the subject. When we were discussing the death penalty although my opinion didn’t change, after hearing what some of my classmates had to say about the subject during our lab I was able to respectfully see why they had those thoughts and feelings about the subject. I believe that we should have the death penalty, and that it helps prevents more crime from happening. However, during our lab students that thought we should ban the death penalty had some pretty interesting reasons behind theirRead MoreThe Truth About The Death Penalty973 Words   |  4 Pages In her article â€Å"The Truth About The Death Penalty†, Carina Kolodny argues that the death penalty should be abolished in all fifty states due to the fact that it is ineffective and very expensive. Kolodny believes that capital punishment has too many complications and variables that cause it be more of an issue than a real solution for capital offenses. She proposes that the death penalty should be dropped and exchanged for better programs such as Proposition 34, which replaces capital punishmentRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Legal1805 Words   |  8 Pagesthat we all know is the death penalty. This penalty has been going around for years. To many people it might be the best way of punishing a person. On the other hand there are people who think that if you kill a person you should be sentenced to die as well. For me I would say it might not be the best way and it not working as many would like it. When choosing if you are for the death penalty you have to okay with an insect person dyeing or even a family member being in death row. I know that is somethingRead MoreThe Death Penalty : An Effective Reliable Tool904 Words   |  4 Pagesthe death penalty has been a frequent topic of discussion, as our recent technological advancements have evidently led individuals to consider the â€Å"new found† legitimacy of our court systems, as statistics display that our previous racial bias and the apparent morality of the practice itself have a miniscule impact on our conviction rate. Both the advancements and ethics that the death penalty provides become apparent through the utilization of anecdotes and statistics, as the death penalty has prevailedRead MoreThe Bible and Death Penalty Essay example812 Words   |  4 Pagesa person’s view of the Bible influence what they think about the death penalty for murderers.† I would like to see if a person’s view of the bible influence what they think of the death penalty. This is interesting to me because I am interested in the field of criminal justice and the death penalty is a huge topic to this day. There are many journals that talk about studies that were done on religion and views of the death penalty which have to do with my topic of interest. My hypothesis is thatRead More The Death Penalty Is Archaic and Immoral Essays559 Words   |  3 Pages The death penalty is simply a modernized version of the Holy Bible’s â€Å"an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot†. Some argue that death is a necessary retribution for murderous cases - but is it effective morally? Revenge only glorifies violence, which is most definitely not the message the world strives to display. The death penalty is a negative form of punishment and insinuates a harsh reflection of society economically, politically, and socially. Read MoreEssay on Death Penalty - Herrera vs Collins1337 Words   |  6 PagesDeath Penalty - Herrera vs Collins The Supreme Court addressed the constitutionality of executing someone who claimed actual innocence in Herrera v. Collins (506 U.S. 390 (1993)). Although the Court left open the possibility that the Constitution bars the execution of someone who conclusively demonstrates that he or she is actually innocent, the Court noted that such cases would be very rare. The Court held that, in the absence of other constitutional violations, new evidence of innocence is no

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Social Structure Theories Focus On The Economic And Social...

Social structure theories focus on the economic and social conditions in which lower-class youth live. The relationship between socioeconomic structure and crime is a relationship that scholars concluded that effected urban areas in which it promoted criminal behavior. While studies have shown a direct link between lower-class citizens and crime it is mistake to predispose all of them to a life of crime. Social structure theories examine why lower-class youth are more likely to commit crime than middle and upper-class youth. Social structure theories focus on two major factors that influence delinquency: socioeconomic conditions and cultural values. These conditions and values, in turn, are based on social and economic inequality in the†¦show more content†¦Those who don’t have equal opportunity are considered â€Å"strains† thus more likely to be a delinquent. People have differential means available for achieving these culturally supported goals. Some have blocked opportunities, maybe because of class location or socioeconomic status, but also because of race, ethnicity, or gender discrimination. As a consequence these individuals are unable to achieve their goals through legitimate means. Society offers members of different social group’s very different institutional means of achieving its goals such as opportunities for education regardless of ability, fulfilling work, and financial aid. A gap between effort and reward makes it impossible for some people to set realistic, achievable goals or to plan legitimate ways of achieving their goals. People can break out of this system but it is not easy. For example, imagine a fisherman casting his net over the side of the boat, while the net is designed to catch certain fish it cannot catch all of them no matter what some of the fishes will escape or avoid the net. This analogy represents the social theory structure where some people can break through poverty while the odds for othe r are too great to overcome. Subculture plays a big part in increasing or decreasing the chances of an individual to break out of poverty. Subculture is a set of values, norms and beliefs that differs from those within the dominant culture. If a personShow MoreRelatedMarx, Max Weber And Emile Durkheim948 Words   |  4 PagesIn assessment of sociological theory it is imperative to our understanding of social theory that we analyze the ideologies of some prominent theorists such as Karl Marx, Max Weber and Émile Durkheim. Karl Marx’s philosophical ideals on society and class division are impactful in shaping our understanding of society. Inequality and social division is at the heart of Marx’s theory of society. Marx’s theorized that society is the history of class struggles. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Honda Cars Philippines Inc. (HCPI) Resume Free Essays

Being a student trainee is one of my good and memorable experiences in my college life. Everything was a â€Å"First time†. It’s my first time to submit a formal resume in a huge and known company which is Honda Cars Philippines Inc. We will write a custom essay sample on Honda Cars Philippines Inc. (HCPI) Resume or any similar topic only for you Order Now (HCPI); To Undergo actual job interview with a real interviewee; Had job orientation, plant tour, borrowed uniforms from the company, issued temporary ID, etc. ; My first time to introduce myself to the whole department and group I’m assigned or endorse to. As a student trainee, we are schedule to report on HCPI from Mondays to Wednesday. I woke up five in the morning to prepare and come early for the shuttle service. I experience being left by the shuttle, riding a wrong one which led me to drop by at Star Mall Alabang instead of Balibago. It’s my first time to experience working 10 hours a day in 3 day a week. It’s my first time to use a machine where I should punch my Time Card (DTR). I experience answering phone calls, to use a new system that I’m not familiar with, to sort thick warranty papers, etc. I experience and learned to use each and every office tools that was needed in my tasks, though sometimes I failed to use it properly. In tough times, I experience tiredness, being sleepy in working hours and being hungry because I didn’t take my meal just to finish my work quickly. But all of these are worth it, because I received my Monthly Allowance which I gain working 10 hours a day in 3 days a week. At HCPI, They used to work hard for the sake of the company and its associates or employee. It is my first time to work in an actual workplace without any idea of my jobs flow. But my superior is there and guided me in some sort of task. There, I experience rush hour, do some task that was not under my fields. I experience to finish my task quickly because it’s time to go home. Sometimes, I experience the pressure of not having enough time to finish my work. I also experience to go under time because of some problems or concerns at home and in school. But it’s my pleasure to receive several complements from my superior after finishing my task in the shortest possible time. Being a student trainee, I’ve been trained as an effective and sufficient person, I can adopt what I’ve learned from the company to be a good help for my future job and future works. I experience being guided, motivated, trained and taught by my superior and by the group that I’ve been endorse with and It doesn’t seems like I’m just a trainee, because they treated me like I’m one of them. I’ve never been criticize when it comes from my failed works, instead they motivated me more to improve my weakest ability and skills. They’ve been a thoughtful group mates/ bosses/ guardians/ friends for me. They always prepare something for me, gave me â€Å"pasalubong† whenever they left for OB and always treat me some snack. They never fail to inspire me and gave lots of advice when it comes to my study, my future job and future life. I know that all of these will end soon. All the things I already used to will soon going to be just a part of a good, memorable and wonderful experiences that I had in my college life. I spent 2 month as a trainee at HCPI. Then suddenly and finally my â€Å"Last day† came. It’s my last day to wake up five in the morning from Mondays to Wednesday, to ride a shuttle, to eat at the cafeteria, to work 10 hours a day in 3 days a week, to have my break at 10:00 am, 12:00 nn and 3:00 pm break . Last day to answer phone calls, to use the system I already used to. It’s my Last day to visit my locker and wear my complete uniform, my last day to punch my time card to the machine that at first I didn’t know the proper usage. My last day to be with all the people in the department I’m assigned to. It’s my last day as a student trainee and my last day on HCPI. When it’s time to say goodbye to all the people I’m used to be with, to the company that accept me and trained me well. I celebrated my last day in HCPI with the group I’m endorsed with. I experience having my farewell message and say it out loud to the group I’m assigned to. At first, I probably say that OJT sounds boring and tiring and you don’t have any choice but to undergo with its process. But when you already get used to it you can realize the fulfillment of joy that you’ve felt after finishing all of these. All the sacrifices and time you spent are worth it. I’m thankful that once I’ve been a part of a great company and I’m proud to say that I’m my 200 hours (2 months) staying at HCPI as a STUDENT TRAINEE, I experience all the things that I’ve never expected to. I’ve even experience the things that never been to my mind. But all of these, even if it’s good or bad experiences will be a good help for me as a fresh graduate to find a great job as a well trained person. How to cite Honda Cars Philippines Inc. (HCPI) Resume, Papers