Thursday, February 27, 2020

Data Protection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Data Protection - Essay Example For example, it is because of the emergence of a 'borderless' society that law enforcement agencies increasingly seek to be exempted from the full rigors of the privacy laws. That this kind of exemption can lead, in turn, to misuse and abuse of these powers is perhaps one of the 'costs' we have to bear if law enforcement agencies generally are to be effective in combating crime in the information age. However, before evaluating how ethically right is the State's intervention in the privacy of the members of the society for its proposed public interests, the very terminology of "Privacy" needs to be understood. Extensive material in literature on the definition of Privacy reveals that the term's meaning differs under various approaches to privacy offered by different scholars. Privacy's most widely spread definition has been coined by Warren & Brandeis (1890, p. 205) who define privacy, as an intrinsic value, the "right to be let alone" (Stahl, 2007). Another approach to define privacy by (Stalder, 2002) is that of informational self-determination which sees privacy as the right to determine who accesses person-related data. This interpretation is widely spread in continental Europe whereby privacy may be taken in terms of property which includes the protection of an individual's financial records, health records, ex-directory telephone numbers, criminal records, etc. If person-related information can be treated as property, then privacy issues can be reduced to the more established (intellectual) property law as Spinello (2000) puts it. As an instrumental value, privacy has been described as an important aspect of humans where a truly private space is necessary for mental health (Nissenbaum, 2001), is required to trust others and, more generally, to develop good social relations (Gallivan. & Depledge, 2003; Johnson, 2001).A functioning society thus requires the provision of privacy for its members (Introna, 2000) and that applies to data both computerized and on paper records of its members. The UK legislature's stance on their privacy policy brought about the Data protection Act in 1998 which supersedes the earlier Act of 1984, which aimed to implement Council Directive 95/46/EC on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. Essentially, any person or organization (the data controller) collecting and processing personal data (that is, data which relate to a living individual who can be identified from those data, and includes any expression of opinion about the individual) must register with the Information Commissioner, and must specify various items of information about the data collected and the uses to which the data will be put (Harris 2006, p. 124).The DPA's purpose was to create universal European standards for the collection, storage and processing of personal information. It allowed certain individuals to know what information about them is being held. If enough members of these groups applied their rights they might be able to amass sufficient information to

Monday, February 10, 2020

Hershey's Sweet Mission Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hershey's Sweet Mission - Personal Statement Example This paper tells that active listening is a way of listening and responding to another person that improves mutual understanding. Workers that are active listeners are able to communicate better with their colleagues. The new appraisal system must identify traits that are important in the performance of a particular employee. The company will monitor other personality traits of the employee that can impact performance. Diversity can be spread further into a corporate culture giving minority jobs in which they have to perform a supervisory role. Diversity in team activities has the benefit of fostering creativity among team members. Creativity helps workers provide better ideas and alternative solutions. As a Hershey, employee my perspective and motivation would be to comply with the vision and mission of the company. The first value that I would apply in my everyday interactions with my co-workers is teamwork. â€Å"Teamwork occurs when group members work together in ways that utili ze their skill well to accomplish a purpose†. In the corporate environment of the 21st-century, teamwork has become a critical success factor for corporations. Teamwork can help Hershey create an environment of trust and mutual respect. My mentality as a Hershey employee would be to cooperate with my colleagues at all times. Teamwork and cooperation are two desirable work outcomes. I would maintain good communication with my supervisors and with the other employees of the company. The employees of Hershey represent the corporate image of the company. It is important for them to behave properly with the utmost moral values during both their work and personal time. A second trend that is going to impact human resource professionals in the future is an increased dependency on technological tools. One of the HR practices gaining popularity in the work environment of the 21st century is empowerment. â€Å"Empowerment is increasing in popularity because it helps firms reduce their administrative expenses† (Worldbank, 2011). The employees at Hershey would benefit from empowerment because more responsibility will be given to them. The moral of the workers also improves due to the use of empowerment. Hershey is an enterprise with a global workforce. The use of empowerment can help streamline the work and reduce beaurocracy. The motivation of the employees also increases as a consequence of the use of empowerment. Giving greater responsibility to the employees of Hershey should provide valuable work experience to the workers. Empowerment is also beneficial to a company because it frees up a lot of managerial time that can be used in more productive practices such as strategic planning. The use of empowerment also increases employee satisfaction. Employees that are happy at work produce at a higher level. The use of mentoring is an HR practice that can benefit Hershey in a variety of manners. The mentoring relationship is composed of a mentor and a protege. The protege receives training and knowledge from the mentor. The training the mentor provides will help the protege achieve his daily activities for the company. Mentorship is an efficient and cost-effective way to help in the developmental process of an employee. One of the drawbacks of using mentorship to develop the skills and abilities of employees is that the technique is limited to the amount of managerial time at disposal.Â