Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Event Planning and Management PR and Events Professionals

Question: Discuss about theEvent Planning and Managementfor PR and Events Professionals. Answer: Introduction There is a rapid popularity increase in the sporting events, which is mainly found in terms of gaining attention of specific individuals from different locations. On the basis of the city marketing efforts, the hall mark events are increased in their conditions in terms of achieving the benefits by maximizing the tourism driven from events, from the sponsors, and exposure to media.in the entire industry of hallmark sporting events plays the key role and are the major part (Dowson Bassett, 2015). The major problem that has been identified from the sporting attractiveness is that the existence of the hall mark events is only limited. From this literature it has been identified the kind of impact the sporting events have in the city from the potentials of the bidding process. In this stage of the bidding process the main city or the organization need to put their bidding proposal which is supposed to be leading the event that has been allocated to them in their city (Friedman Scholnick, 2014). An event should focus on the outcomes from the mechanism of the indicators of financial and economy which is known to be a common measure of success. From this research, the elements that are useful for the initial bidding process of the event has been identified. The process of bidding has gained importance in terms of managing events. Overview of the Events From the research, it has been found that hall mark events have the major scope for the city marketing. There are various other events that are reported here. The factors that determine the success of the bid process for the events of major sporting are also known from these events (Jones, 2014). Community Events or Special Events: This particular program or the event can be said to have difference from the events or programs of other normal organized groups. Along with that these events are not like the commonly occurring events. Major Events: These types of events can be figured by taking the consideration of popularity and the interest of media. These events can gain visitors with it specifications like the greater level of tourism, significance in the numbers. Along with that it is having more beneficiaries from the economic sector that are required for the organization of the communities. Hall mark events: These types of events are having regular occurrence which can also said to be the special events or mega events. These events are having the specifications that are having similarities with the international dimensions with the structures that are short term. The regular occurrence of the event is the one of the important characteristics of it by which it is well known among all the events. The type of events that are being provided by the government agencies are making the involvement of the developmental policies, required resources and many more requirements that will help in attracting the people towards the events in the major cities. The Process of Biding The biding process is the process that helps the organization in making the proposal to take the required responsibility by which the event can be carried out. It also gives clarification regarding all the details about the enquiries raised. In further processes this will make the description of the details defining the criteria for the organization of the event. That is the reason this particular proposal can be said to be as the bid process. This bid process has the following resolutions: The bidding done by the organization must have the provision that will give the abilities and resources defining the statement of the event. If there is something that will show the defining the performances of the organization then there must have the sufficient reasons. If the additional instances are taken into consideration then there will have the better facilities provision than the other rival bids, also having the assurance of the public support along with that having better supplies for the suppliers. Apart from that there have been described two types of tasks that have been including the performances of the organization that is getting involved in the biding process. In the first process there will have the development of the proposal along with the submission of the proposal to the selecting authority team. The second one is the benefit part that has to be completed by the team by attending the meeting of the selecting authority that will make them having knowledge regarding the proposal and will have the clarification of the doubts. Event Proposal Preparation This proposal for any of the event can be said to be dependent on the scale of the event and the importance of the event. There is having the involvement of various types of components that must be shared with the proposals of the events. The proposals of the events have the involvement of the information that can convey the information: Event Team: The proposal given by the event team can have the involvement of the information that will give the information regarding the management of the event. This information can be given in accordance to the experience and basing upon the qualification of the members of the team. It is also mandatory that the reader must have some idea regarding the proposal and its requirement so that the reader can be able to find out the abilities of the event along with the fulfilment of the promises attached to the proposal. Many issues of the staging event can be solved by the experience. In the same way the qualification makes the clarification of the details attached to the proposal to the team in case of any problem. Facilities provided and Venue: The person who is supposed to check the review of the proposal it is important to have the checking of the venue by him. That is the reason there must be the outlining of the facilities in the proposal that will draw the attention of the checker. In the case of the indoor events there must have the checking of the lightning, electrical equipment and etc. In case of outdoor events there will have the checking of the seating arrangements, maintenance level of the turf, flood lightning, drainage facilities, etc. Apart from that there will have the provision of the conditions of the changing rooms. Therefore it is a must to have the overall mention of the requirements that will attract the officials, spectators and all. Program details: The details of the program will have the discussion of the details of the set-up of the program by the governing body. The initial stages of the bidding can have the proposal from the start of the day to the end of the day. It is also necessary to have the idea to the makers regarding the timings of the venue along with its availability. That is the reason there will have some arrangements of the entertainment programs before the other program. Expenses Involved: In the process of bidding there must have the drafting of the budget by the organization where there is the mention of the possible income along with the expenditures. The most important part is the budget must be realistic without having any loss. The details of the finances are to be given to the governing bodies of the sports. The organization can also have the opportunity to gain money from the bars, canteens and many more processes of merchandising. The income that will be supposed to be gained from the event must have the reflection of the budget that has been made for the proposal. References Dowson, R., Bassett, D. (2015).Event Planning and Management: A Practical Handbook for PR and Events Professionals. Kogan Page Publishers. Friedman, S. L., Scholnick, E. K. (2014).The developmental psychology of planning: Why, how, and when do we plan?. Psychology Press. Jones, M. (2014).Sustainable event management: A practical guide. Routledge. Haines, S. 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